Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spring is in the air... I hope...

This was another preparation weekend. I have filled two of the four new raised beds and put new dirt in the old ones. They were full last year, but time and rain makes compresses all things, even dirt. I should be able to wrap up this project next weekend. The gravel is all spread and the whole area is a nice fresh palate for spring to transform into a rich overflowing kaleidoscope of color.
It was also the Tacoma Home and Garden show. We tottered over and enjoyed Cisco, the master gardeners, and lots of good, bad and odd ideas. Sometimes it seems like the people selling their various wares must be eccentric millionaires as there cannot possibly be enough profit to justify the expense of having a booth. However, it takes all types to make the world go round so I won't complain, I'll just keep walking.
I did end up purchasing some peonies to add to our fragrance garden. I am no sure if I should wait on the weather or just get them in to the dirt and let nature take its course. Most internet sources and books tell you to wait or to plant them and don't expect too many flowers the first year. I am going to listen to one of them. 

Some of our dutch iris' and primroses and even a few tulips are starting to feel spring in the air. They are poking their heads up warily (or not so warily in the case of the iris) and checking it all out. If all goes well and they freeze their fresh ... new growth, we'll have some flowers to celebrate in March. 

In case you were wondering, our addition is going well. Below are some confusing pictures of the construction. It is hard to get a picture that tells the whole story as it is just a bunch of 2X4's and some plumbing. However, take it from me (as I live here) that in a month or so, it will look like a new bathroom, larger master bedroom, and a walk in closet. We should be getting the electrical and plumbing inspections next week and then things will start to move a little faster.

1 comment:

  1. Things look like they are moving along. The beds out front look great. I can't believe your iris and tulips are coming up. We had rain on top of snow Monday, then a freeze. No bulbs will be thinking of showing their heads yet.

    Exciting seeing the remodeling coming along. It's going to be great.....when it's done.
