Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A weekend in Montana...

I know it is a little late, but late is better than never. I could see the readers of this blog looking and saying, "He writteth not." It was not that I had forgotten, just that I was a bit busy. Our small family packed its bags and headed to Bozeman Montana. My step-sister's wedding was on last Saturday and we were among the merry throng. Then we drove back on Sunday night. It was a whirlwind tour, but very enjoyable. Grandma (my mom) was able to spend time with her grandchildren and it was pretty country to boot. Below are a few pictures we took. There isn't anything about gardening in this post, but as you can imagine, if you take a week off, the garden doesn't and the weeds seem to grow even faster. I am spending the rest of this week trying to catch up. Hopefully I'll have a more gardenic post for you soon.

On the 15th green

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