Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The swift descent into chaos...

If you've ever asked yourself, "Self, how long would it take for a nice orderly kitchen garden to go from nice and orderly to absolute jungle chaos?" well between you, me, and the kitchen garden - about 1 week. 
Our family went on a week vacation last week and returned on monday to find that a lot has happened. It has been pretty nice around these parts and that helped spur the growth I'm sure. The biggest and baddest change was in the kitchen garden. Weeds abound, grass is growing, the lily pond looks leers out at us like some miasmic pool from the deep jungle, and a few things have gone to seed that I usually try to keep from going to seed. Well, there are only two things to do, complain or blog about it and then go out and start weeding. I have at least informed the garden that I intend to commence to plan to clean it up this weekend. (However, my wife also informed me that she intends to commence to have plans for me also, so we'll see how it works out.)

On the good side of change, comes our wine and roses wigelea. It is leaning a bit to the sou-sou-east, but so does the leaning tower of pisa so it probably means that it will be a work of art that everyone will come to see! 

The garden is coming along nicely as well. Some of the Pac Choi decided that it wanted none of this hot weather so it has bolted and soured. However, the spinach, lettuce, radishes and carrots are doing there best to make of for it. A few of the closest have even turned their back as if to say, "We are compelled to be next to you, but that in no way, shape or form signifies that our plans for growing coincide" or something like that.

 Our wall flowers missed us and have almost doubled in size, so that we wouldn't miss them on our return.

And now we get to the good stuff. This is one of my favorite twelve months of the year because it is the beginning of rose season. I'm not sure if the Josephs coat or our kitchen climbing rose won, but they are both in bloom. All of the other roses are ready to pop, but haven't opened up quite yet. I have around 25 roses, so when they all bloom, it is heavenly.

Last, but most definitely not least, we were eating dinner and the grosbeaks came for their dinner. This is the second year these delightful critters come to enjoy our hospitality. I asked him to turn, but he said that he looks skinnier from the left profile and it accentuated his lithesome form, so here he is as he wanted to be seen.


  1. It's amazing what a week can do! The heat of the past three weeks was unbelievable. I felt that I might need to pack up and move to Alaska for a brief moment. Your veggie gardens are getting to an impressive size! And yes, it is the beginning of rose season. One of my favorite times of year as well! Cheers, Jenni

  2. Oh yes ha I take vacations from my garden for a week and wow what an explosion! Actually the rain and such keeps me out of the garden which then makes everything growing explode.
    I love bird watching but so do my cats, while they've cleared our neighborhood of the little rodents the birds don't like em. Actually the birds come out during the rain and on the other side of the fence! Can't have both I guess.

    Envious of your roses, that fragrance can't be beat.

  3. Oh, too funny! Well, at least they decide to grow like crazy as opposed to all up and commit suicide to the local deer population without their gardener watching over them. That is one impressively sized kitchen garden! Good luck with all your weeding!
